Friday, December 4, 2015

The Castle Has Come Home to Roost

Back in the late 1990's I stitched this as a model for The Stitching Post in Catonsville, MD. Before I moved last year, I asked the owner if the chart ever went out of print and she pulled the model to place in her Charity sale, let me know so I could have first dibs on buying it. I have had the chart for years, but have never gotten around to making if for myself. Well, it happened. She emailed me a few weeks ago to let me know it was available. I think it looks fabulous hanging on my wall! Midieval Miniature #1 by Best Stitched designs by Bev. Stitched on 25 count black Lugana linen over 1 thread. The entire design is less than 4" square, and that includes the gold braid work.

There are a few tricks to working over one and on black linen.  I do a lot of work on 40 count linen, many times working over 1 thread.   When doing a row of stiches in the same color, laying one leg of the x across the row, then coming back with the second leg does not work well.  I find if I try to do this, especially with more the two stitches in a row, the thread gets "lost" in the fabric.  It will actually tuck up under the fabric thread, making your x lopsided.  The trick is to cross each stitch as you go.  This uses more thread, and if you are stitching with more expensive threads such as silk, it is painful to waste.  Trust me, the finished effect is worth the little extra time and thread.  Crossing each stitch as you go gives a much cleaner finish when working such small stitches.

When working on black  or dark fabric the easiest thing is to keep a white sheet over your lap.  As you stitch the white will show through the holes in the fabric and make them a lot easier to see.  If this doesn't work for you, you can try a light box.  Sometimes called an up light, these generally have a padded  cloth underside so when you are working with it on your lap it doesn't get uncomfortably hot.  The light shines through your cloth and makes seeing the holes much easier.  They can run about $50, but when entering your mid-50s as I am, it is worth the price to be able to see a bit clearer as I work.

As far as what I am currently working on, still doing ornaments.  I am working the Just Nan free chart that was given to needlework shops a few years ago called Italian Ice.  I am almost finished stitching it.  I have already finished a carousel horse from Donna Kooler. I have two tucks that I purchased in a clearance bin a few  years ago, they are very simple and will be a quick stitch, then I found a blackwork pattern I want to change from blue to reds and greens.  If I get all of this done before the holidays I will dig out some of my Christmas ornament magazine editions and find something else to make.  Once they are finished I will post them here.

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