Friday, December 18, 2015

Embroiderer's Guild of America

I have been thinking about things I can do to increase socialization, and I began researching EGA chapters in my area. The closest chapter meets in Kingsport, and that is almost an hour away.  I was about to give up when I noticed they had a cyber chapter.  Since I don't drive and there is no form of public transportation in the country,  I discussed with my husband about maybe joining the cyber group.

His immediate response was, "No."  He then went on to say that if I were going to join, I should join an actual group.  He is about to join the Confederate Sons of the Civil War, and said if he was going to join a group, I should, too.  I explained that the closest group was an hour away, and he said no problem.  He offered to drive me there every week and find something to do while I stitched and socialized.  I married a very special man.

I contacted the president of the local chapter, and this week I went to my first meeting.  I think I am in love LOL. What a wonderful group of women.  I was hoping maybe one of them lived a bit closer to me, and could offer me a ride once in a while, but the closest one is in Limestone, and she would have to go far out of her way to pick me up and drop me off.  Until someone closer joins the group, Gene will just have to drive me for now.

There are monthly projects available to stitch, but they are completely optional.  In fact, one woman worked on her knitting while we chatted, so they are very relaxed and not at all regimented in any way.  I really liked a few of the pieces they have planned for the next year, but with the stitching list my husband has for me, and the casket class I am taking, I will be a very busy stitcher over the next year or so.

Gene is leaving for Indiana to take my step-daughter home on Tuesday the 23rd, and will be gone until after Christmas, so I wont be going back until the following week, but I am content to wait.  Hopefully this will work out well for me  and I can start making a few friends in the area.

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