Sunday, December 13, 2015

Millenium Frame But NOT Necessaire Stand

A few months ago I e-mailed Needle Needs, the UK store that exclusively carries the Millennium Frame and the Necessaire Floor Stand.  They offer a combination package where you can get both, plus a longer pair of bars (the frame comes with 10" bars, but I work mostly on larger pieces so I need a longer set.)  Both items were out of stock, so my e-mail was basically a question of when they would be expected back in stock. I did a very rough estimate of currency exchange, and the total cost with shipping would be just under $400, but if they were as awesome as people claim, it would be worth the money.

The reply I received was fairly quick, and stated they should have a shipment before Christmas and she would put my name on her list and email me when they were available.  BUT, they generally sell out within an hour.  Ok, these are hand made items, so I can understand them taking a while to make and supply. 

We are a week out from Christmas, and I have not received any e-mails.  I went on to their site the other night, and I saw that the frame was in stock, but the stand was not.  I really wanted the frame more than the stand, so I went ahead and purchased just the frame ($110 with almost a third being shipping costs). Had I been smart, I would have added the extra bars, but it was one in the morning and was tired.  Now I will have to pay their shipping charges again.

I began doing a little research online, and what I have been reading, the company's customer service leaves a lot to be desired.  I read one blog where a woman waited almost two and a half months to get her frame (which had been list as "In Stock"). Most of the posts were about the stand, it seems the stands are much more difficult to get.  I really like the design of the floor stand.  It has no clamp, your work simply rests on two arm so when it is time to finish off a thread, you simply flip it over, no unscrewing and taking your frame out, then replacing it.  This may seem like an easy task, but when you are working a complicated piece, and there are a lot of color changes, you could spend more time screwing and unscrewing then actually stitching.

I started thinking maybe there was another stand that would meet my needs. I did a general Google search for Embroidery Floor Stands.  Across the top of the results page was a "Shop for...on Google" bar, with photos of different stands.  I began scrolling through these, and of course, most were the clamp type.  Then I saw it! There was a stand, similar to the one from Needle Needs, available on Etsy.  I immediately went to the site, and it looked as if it might work. However, I had a few questions for the shop owner, and sent an e-mail. 

I stitch on a reclining sofa.  This is a sofa where both ends are recliners.  I asked if the stand would be tall enough, and if the top could turn to allow the stand to be at an angle to my seat, but I could adjust it so that I was stitching straight on while the seat is reclined. Call me lazy, but after my accident, and my stroke, the hospital put in an IVC filter.  This catches any possible clots that may break off from my legs and prevents them from causing another stroke, or worse, death.  I don't know about you, but I can't stitch if I am dead LOL.  I really need to keep my leg elevated for a good part of the day, because I retain fluid in my legs because of the filter. It can become clogged over time with tiny pieces of debris, thus slowing the blood return, yada yada yada.  Bottom line, my legs swell, so I need to keep them elevated when I can. 

That said, the owner of the Etsy shop promptly e-mailed me the next morning. He said it would work, but I would need the extender piece to make it higher, and the yoke to allow it to turn 90 degrees. The way he talked, he has developed some attachments to allow people in hospital beds to stitch.  I went back to Etsy, and ordered the stand as well as the two attachments he recommended.  With shipping it came in to just under $100. The Etsy shop is Kevscorner.  As soon as I get my items and actually get to use them, I will post about any pros or cons.

So, for just about $200 I got what I really wanted.  I will have to go back after pay day and order the longer bars for the frame, but I am sure I can find some smaller pieces to work in until they arrive,

Cross Stitch Floor Stand from Kevscorner, Etsy.


  1. Sounds like a similar "run-around" I got from a company called "K's Creations." They are terrible about correspondence once they have your money secured in their hands, their assembly directions are terrible! I found myself running out to Lowes to buy extra knobs, screws, bolts, etc., because what they sent me was lacking. S i g h . . . I don't know "what" the answer is, but THINK TWICE before getting involved with these people! GOOD LUCK!

    1. I just now saw this comment, forgive me for taking so long to reply. I am not sure what the answer to needlework stands is. This one works ok, but even after replacing some of the bolts so that they can be made tighter, the arm still moves out of place from the weight of my arm leaning on the frame. If ever you discover one that works well without spending a fortune, please let me know.

  2. Finally, it has arrived. After five months TO THE DAY, my Millennium frame has arrived. Unfortunately at this time I am working on only large pieces, so I have nothing to frame up, but I am anxious to give it a whirl. It is very nicely made, and looks to be of good quality, just not sure it was worth it yet. Time will tell.
