Friday, December 11, 2015

Christmas is Coming!

I have been so busy the last week or so.  I finally finished stitching two of my ornaments and started a third.  The first is a Just Nan design from 2003, Italian Ice, a free chart which was given out to needlework shops. The second is from the book by Donna Kooler, "201 Cross Stitch Christmas Designs" 

The next couple of ornaments will also be from the Kooler book, but this weekend I plan to go through my stash and pull out some of my back issues of magazines to look for a variety of things.  What I don't get finished this year will wait for next Christmas.  I generally don't stitch specifically for Christmas, but I have joined a few Facebook groups, and seeing all of the wonderful things people are stitching has inspired me.  We generally don't exchange gifts in my family, just giving to the children, but I am not a fan of this, and a small stitched ornament is just the right thing to give. A little piece of the heart to be remembered every year as it hangs on the tree.

My gifts to the grand children are wrapped and ready to go with my husband in two weeks when he goes to Indiana to visit with his family there.  I will be staying home for the holiday, doggie and kitty sitting.  We have had my step-daughter with us for the last three months, and I am looking for to a little peace and quiet.  We tend to be a lot busier when she is visiting, and I am a true homebody, not wanting to be on the road all the time. Plus, I have enough books and needlework to keep me occupied while Gene is gone.

Happy Stitching,


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