Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

  Thanksgiving dinner was at our house this year.  We finally used our dining room for the first time, and I am glad it was a family dinner that christened it.  We went around the table and each said what we were thankful for.  I said I was thankful that no matter how stupid we act, or what stupid things we do, my mom is always there to pick us up and get us back on our feet.  Mom is 76, but she looks like she is in her 50s.  She mows three acres all summer, does all her own gardening and most of the work around her home.  I just hope when I am 76 I can still do all that she does, and that I will be there for my son and step-children.

Now,dinner is over, the dishes are washed and put away, and it is time to sit and stitch.  I have put my sampler away for the moment in favor of some Christmas stitching.  I am making ornaments to give as gifts, and the first one is almost finished.  Saturday or Sunday we will make a trip to the craft store to pick up some mounting board and backing.  I ordered a cord maker from The Stitching Post, and it arrived Monday, so I should be all set to do some finishing work.

I hope those of my readers that are celebrating this holiday today have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.

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