Saturday, November 7, 2015

Storage Issues Solved...Almost

If  all needlework enthusiasts are like me, they have things everywhere.  My spare bedroom closet has bins and storage containers full of charts, linens, tools, and every odd and end you can think of ever owning as a stitcher.  I have an old Dough Box that I use as my end table, and it is full of supplies, I have a chest of drawers full of crochet threads and yarns, and I just bought all the supplies I need to learn to tat.  These are in a small chest along with my pounce, and other items I bought to learn needle lace making.  Most of my supplies came from my days working at The Stitching Post in Catonsville, MD, and taking advantage of the 20% employee discount.  I learned very early on, if I see something I like, I buy it then.  If I wait, either it won't be available later, or I forget what it was I liked so much.

With the expected arrival of my first shipment of the Frostings Club from Thistle Threads in December, I needed to seriously rethink my storage options.  The Frostings Club will be sending out two shipments of specialty silk and metal threads, all for my stitching enjoyment. But, what to do with all of my treasures?

I began searching websites for storage options.  I wanted something solid wood, because I am tired of pressed sawdust passing as furniture, and plastic just isn't very attractive.  I was looking for a cabinet that I could keep out as a piece of furniture, that I have easy access to when I need it.  I came across apothecary cabinets, and decided this is what I needed for all of my smaller items and threads.

I was also looking for a project for the winter outside of stitching (I know, BLASPHEMY!).  I have been working on refinishing an old chamber pot I picked up in PA for $10.  I find I am enjoying the sanding of layers of ancient paint and discovering the beautiful grains of the wood underneath.  With this project nearing completion, I decided to look on eBay for a cabinet that I could refinish, make pretty, and fulfill all of my needs.

This is what I found.  It is NOT pretty now, but hopefully by Spring, I will be proudly displaying this in my home. These are the eBay photos, so this is NOT my house LOL.

Four of the drawers each have four removable containers, which I find quite charming, This started life as a cabinet of some sort, with doors that opened out, and someone has repurposed it and built each of the individual drawers.  The lower drawer is missing, but with a little sugar coating, I can talk my husband into putting his table saw to good use and build a replacement drawer for me.  There are 22 drawers in all, and I doubt it will take me long to fill them to the brim!  My husband has already removed the brackets on the sides, and I am hoping to find a decorative corner strip  hide where they were attached.

The knobs are just pieces of wood, and recently we were at Hobby Lobby looking at knobs for another cabinet I have, and I think when I place an order, I will just get replacements for everything.  Something as small as changing a knob can do wonders for improving the look of a piece.

 We have been walking around bins and boxes since having the carpet installed, so today we are working on replacing all of our books to their rightful places. We will get our dining room table set up (finally, after a year of eating in front of the boob tube) and hopefully by the end of the weekend I will be back to stitching.

I need to do some cutting and pasting to design my piece for my Cabinet of Curiosities class, but I have been waiting for the dining room table to be set up so I can spread out and really see what I am doing.

We also plan to hang my needlework today, so I should be able to get a better photo of my Celtic Alphabet that I posted earlier.

So much to do, so little time.  Everyone have a blessed weekend!


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