Sunday, January 31, 2016

We Surv!ved the Blizzard of 2016! Plus, My New Stand is here!

What a difference a week makes.  Last weekend I sat here on my sofa, catching up on some stitching and watching the snow fall.  We live at the foot of the mountains, so although we are fairly high in elevation (about 1500 feet above sea level), we don't get quite as much snow as they get on the mountain tops.  I think we ended up with about six or seven inches of snow, but you wouldn't know it to look outside now.  The only snow left is in areas where the sun can't reach. 

Yesterday I celebrated my birthday, and it was such a lovely day for a celebration.  It was in the low 60s here, the sun was shining bright, and I was able to leave coat and gloves in the house while I took the dogs for a little walk around the property.  My husband joined me, but I let him take over for the walk down to the creek.  I just wasn't up for the little hike down the hill.  Actually, it was the hike back up the hill that I wasn't up for.  All in all, it was a great day.  I spent the evening finally finishing the first La D Da piece I am making for my husband.  I should have been finished weeks ago, but I am working on linen, not even weave, and miscounted by one thread about midway through.  It threw off most of the spacing for the verse by one thread, so I ended up having to rip almost the entire piece and start again. I switched to a Q Snap frame to finish the piece, because I think working in hand on 35 count linen is now out of my visual capabilities.  Poor eyesight comes with old age (I did mention I am a year older LOL)  It is much easier to count when working with the piece stretched tight.

I will wait to frame the piece until I finish the companion piece.  Then I will get them both mounted in matching frames.  Here is a photo of my finished piece.

The next piece is a witch's shoe with a very long toe to it, and the verse "By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes."  There are only five colors, and it is a very simple border, so it shouldn't take me long to finish, barring any mishaps in counting.

I am trying to finish these pieces up quickly because notice has come from Thistle Threads that our first project kit is about to ship. Once that arrives I will be focusing most of my attention on it.  I know one of the projects is a lovely embroidered glove, and I think a few small notions to keep in the cabinet once we get that far.

I am not sure how large the fabric will be for these pieces, butI  am actually hoping it will be on the larger side.  My new floor stand has finally arrived and I am anxious to frame up a larger piece so I can give it a go.  Once I have a chance to try it out, I will post my opinion here and provide a link for purchase if anyone is interested.  I am still waiting for my Millennium frame to arrive.  I have discovered that when Needle Needs says something is in stock, they means they are ready to accept orders to begin making more.  It has been almost two months since I ordered, and all they will respond with via email is, "We are working on your order."  I will be ordering larger rods, perhaps next month when I get paid, perhaps this month once I have paid bills, depending on what we have left in the pot.  Either way, 10" bars are not going to work for what I tend to stitch, and I know the fabric for the cabinet will be very large, so 30" or 36" bars will be needed.

I am off to gather the threads for my next work of art.  I hope everyone reading this is happy and healthy and had a fabulously stitchy  week.


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