Friday, January 15, 2016

Frostings Club First Shipment Has Arrived!

After a very long wait which included a snafu with my mailing address, I finally received my first shipment from the Frostings Club  

Anyone that enjoys stitching with pretty things will love the threads which are included in the first shipment.  Most people received their box just before Christmas, and put them under the tree to be opened Christmas morning.  Since mine was a little late, and my birthday is the end of this month, I am considering mine a birthday gift to myself.  Thank God I have a husband that really doesn't care what I do or buy, as long as it makes me happy.  He always says, "A happy wife is a happy life."  I guess he knows the secret of marriage.

Access Commodities has done a fabulous job replicating threads and colors from the 17th century.  All threads are pure silk and I can't wait to begin stitching with them.  The wire I will have to spend a little time working with.  I can't imagine it will be easy to lay on fabric, but the finished look should be stunning.

The box itself is a work of art.  All sides (except for the underside) is covered with 17th century embroidery patterns.

There are over a dozen colors of Lacet.  This is just a sampling:
The silk gimp and the wire threads in beautiful metal colors are just fabulous.  In the upper right corner of the box is a length of silk serpentine gimp which would be wonderful surrounding a cartouche or a special verse.
It was hard to get a photo of the gold braid, it was so shiny the light just bounced right off of it.

And last in the box is this beautiful cording.  There are so many lovely colors, the imagination runs wild with ideas of what to do with these,

According to the last blog related to the Frostings Club, there will soon be a design competition using the these threads.  There is also two free patterns available if you choose to experiment with the different textures.

I am frantically trying to finish the piece I have been working on for my husband.  The end of this month the first projects package should be mailed.  (Another little happy birthday gift to me.)  Once it arrives a fear I wont be working on much of anything else for a while.

My new year is starting off on a wonderful note, I hope everyone reading this is equally as blessed and fortunate as I feel I am.

Happy stitching!




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