Saturday, October 3, 2015

Thistle Threads

Last month I was searching for online needlework classes.  Having just moved to TN, we do not know many people in town.  Since neither my husband nor I work, we have a hard time getting out to meet new people, so I thought maybe I could develop some online friends that share common interests by taking an online class. And who knows, perhaps I might meet someone close enough to Greeneville that we could meet in person.

I found a webpage called Thistle Threads.  They offer several classes which teach needlework techniques popular during the 17th century.  As I browsed through the courses, the Cabinet of Curiosities class caught my eye.  Then I saw the price.  It was about half of my monthly income. I did further research into the classes, read testimonials, and decided I really wanted to take this class.  My husband supports me in anything I do, and said if it makes me happy, I should do it.

Even though it was very expensive, the course is an eighteen month class, and all materials for class projects are included in the pricing.  They also break it down so that you can pay monthly instead of paying up front, so that makes it easier to handle.  On further reading, all threads are reproductions of antique colors, and are silks and metal threads, so that alone takes a good bit of the cost.

We just now received lesson two. Last month we learned about the history of sewing casket in the mid 1600s.  This month we are learning about designing the needlework that is applied to the serface of the casket.  We are to pencil sketch our design ideas onto paper and post on the discussion board for input from others.  Most antique caskets have biblical themes, but that does not interest me at this time. 

We recently lost our one year old kitten, Phantom, to a hit and run driver.  He was the sweetest, gentlest, most endearing kitten I have ever known.  I am thinking about stitching him on the lid, with a willow tree in the background to represent mourning.  I am researching motifs and the symbolism in each motif and hope to use motifs significant to my own life on the rest of the casket.  The casket itself is the only thing that is not included in the price of the course, and it is a custom made piece with reproduction hardware.  The cost of this is also very high, but again, they offer pay as you go.  If we can afford it later, I will do a second casket, this one for my husband.  I will do it in Lord of the Rings scenes and characters.  He will be so thrilled, he is such a geek.

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