Thursday, April 7, 2016

Ann Woodall1847 Sampler

This is one of my favorite antique samplers that I own.  Ann Woodall, stitched in 1847.  She is stitched on a heavy weave linen/canvas using a combination of silk floss and wool. Primarily done in cross stitch, the ground is done in wool with very long horizontal satin stitches.
The verse reads, "To lasting brightness be defin'd,
When this vain shadow flies away,
Th' eternal beauties of the mind
Will last when all things else decay.
Ann Woodall 1847"
Some of the damage to this piece is right through the verse.  The canvas has been torn but there is no loss of fabric. There is only minor thread loss in the verse.

The flowers are beautifully done.  There is a lot of damage to this piece: you see some water damage here.
I think the deer being done in white is just amazing.  At first I thought perhaps the white wools on this piece had faded from different colors. but because the verse is about beauty, I believe the white was intentional. You can see more of the  water damage here, as well as the long stitches used in the ground work.
I hope to reproduce her one day, I believe she would look amazing even if I were to do her only in silk on linen.

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